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Leiah Bowden Lightspeak Blog
animal communication, angelic and light language, and the whole divine flow

Leiah Bowden
Sep 10, 202413 min read
How a SoulJourney Energy Portrait captures the essence of your most precious value: a channelled explanation of a throat chakra
This is a portrait, But instead of painting the picture what I see through my imagination of your soul's expression. Everything is energy.
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Leiah Bowden
Aug 7, 20243 min read
Loving Your Shining Star
Is there anyone in your life who is your shining star? That phrase never meant much to me until I heard my new daughter-in-law's mother...
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Leiah Bowden
Jun 17, 20248 min read
Reclaiming my Father: a shamanic reunion with the guide I'd never had.
In 2017, I sat in quiet appreciation as Sally, a fellow member of my congregation, led a guided visualization during the Yizkor section...
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Leiah Bowden
Jun 6, 20244 min read
Specify Your Preferred Reality
These are potent times. Attention. Things are happening. Specify your preferred reality.
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Leiah Bowden
May 24, 20242 min read
At Athena's Olive Tree
It was my second trip to Greece in December, 2019, my second time at the Acropolis, but my first time attentive to the energy there. I'm...
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Leiah Bowden
Mar 25, 20244 min read
V'Hafta: and you shall love
They are the opening lines of a prayer I have loved since first hearing it as a child in my Reform Jewish temple in Schenectady, NY.
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Leiah Bowden
Jan 25, 20244 min read
Animal Communication with a Meowing Cat Produces Sweet Dreams at Last!
Animal communication with a cat who meowed all night helped her stop keeping her folks up and helped her reconnect with her greater self.
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Leiah Bowden
Dec 31, 20233 min read
Living authentically, living our lives “as if.”
I no longer ask, “What would my Divine self do?” I check in instead and do what Leiah will do, and enact her. I live as if I were Leiah.
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Leiah Bowden
Dec 5, 20237 min read
Suicide: an epilogue
I am at ease...Peace is who I am. Peace is what I send to you. Peace is what I am. Peace in balance I now. Finally, peace in balance.
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Leiah Bowden
Mar 10, 20233 min read
There's No Magic to Animal Communication
Sometimes, communicating with animals feels like magic, and sometimes the magic doesn’t work. That’s because there’s no magic.
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Leiah Bowden
Mar 6, 20233 min read
Sensitives: Cassie Chooses Me
Cassie, a horse I had never met, chose me. The dances of my shy teenage wallflower years lost their power to shame me in that moment.
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Leiah Bowden
Feb 24, 20232 min read
Photo of Willie by Diane Joy Schmidt. People whose household includes more than one animal know that when one dies, the other, or others,...
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Leiah Bowden
Jan 30, 202313 min read
“Wait a minute,” you may exclaim. “If animal communication is real, how can you say it takes place in the imagination?
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Leiah Bowden
Jan 18, 20235 min read
Healing by Wolfpack
My dear friend, Korie, has a sweet little dog named Roan who's getting on in years and is having some health problems. The other day she...
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Leiah Bowden
Jan 10, 20238 min read
Expanding Our Definition of Reality
To be able to harness the power of our intuition and communicate with other species, we must expand our definition of reality.
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Leiah Bowden
Jan 5, 20235 min read
to heal a broken heart
Leiah Bowden's "Animals' Words Open the Gate of Wonder: spiritually informed animal communication," leads with a heartbreaking encounter.
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Leiah Bowden
Jan 2, 20232 min read
From the Field of Light
You are human, and you are angel, and you are animal. You are Creator, and every other created being is Creator...
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Leiah Bowden
Dec 26, 20224 min read
Every being has a soul, is an expression of Source experiencing Source nature, and is self-aware. All souls are connected in a shared...
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Leiah Bowden
Dec 22, 20222 min read
Foreword by Penelope Smith
For the first time in recorded human history, books on how to telepathically communicate with animals are now widely available. Countless...
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Leiah Bowden
Oct 12, 20227 min read
Negotiating with the Wild
A while ago, a lovely woman named Margot wrote to me asking if I could help her with a problem she was having with groundhogs. I didn't...
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