Tohu v' Bohu Leiah BowdenMar 21, 20201 min readThese sheets of thunderous water cascadingthough your field of visionare not your tears,although your tearsmay be rushing fromunder your shuttered eyesto claim ownershipof this hallelujah moment.Those rippling torrentsare the blessingI have been holdinguntil I knewyou would standfor the force of my seedand were strong enoughto catch all of it,Wasting not a precious dropof me.My waters have broken.My waters have brokenand you are the holy floorupon which they fall.There is a vast basinbeneath you andwhen my watershave saturated your capacityfor wonderand left you sobbingkneeling on the ground of your beingthe waters will continue topour downuntil the basin, the vast basin overflowsand then the one beneath,the deep blue mysteryof all becoming,will at last relent, releasingall the straining angels,their destinies unfurling,snapping in the great ruachone ray of eternal radianceerupting into each DNA-assigned heartto root-flower-and fruit throughout yourbeing in all the worlds.And theneach one of youwill knowhow exquisite is your presence herehow perfect is your visionand the resonance of your voicewill fill your ears so you cannot hearanything but the perfect pitchof the cosmos singing you.And then you will all holdyour birthright of lovein your hearts and in your arms andyour embrace will shape itself preciselyto the part of the worldYou sent Yourself here to completeand which has been waitingto melt your fear.And peace will shinefrom within youand all around you.© Leah Bowden 2020
These sheets of thunderous water cascadingthough your field of visionare not your tears,although your tearsmay be rushing fromunder your shuttered eyesto claim ownershipof this hallelujah moment.Those rippling torrentsare the blessingI have been holdinguntil I knewyou would standfor the force of my seedand were strong enoughto catch all of it,Wasting not a precious dropof me.My waters have broken.My waters have brokenand you are the holy floorupon which they fall.There is a vast basinbeneath you andwhen my watershave saturated your capacityfor wonderand left you sobbingkneeling on the ground of your beingthe waters will continue topour downuntil the basin, the vast basin overflowsand then the one beneath,the deep blue mysteryof all becoming,will at last relent, releasingall the straining angels,their destinies unfurling,snapping in the great ruachone ray of eternal radianceerupting into each DNA-assigned heartto root-flower-and fruit throughout yourbeing in all the worlds.And theneach one of youwill knowhow exquisite is your presence herehow perfect is your visionand the resonance of your voicewill fill your ears so you cannot hearanything but the perfect pitchof the cosmos singing you.And then you will all holdyour birthright of lovein your hearts and in your arms andyour embrace will shape itself preciselyto the part of the worldYou sent Yourself here to completeand which has been waitingto melt your fear.And peace will shinefrom within youand all around you.© Leah Bowden 2020
How a SoulJourney Energy Portrait captures the essence of your most precious value: a channelled explanation of a throat chakra